[Fast Travel] Posses

[Fast Travel] Posses

author: Red Tea Uncle
classification: Science fiction
update: 5分鐘前

No second chances > 。The gray wolf's piercing blue eyes, against the darkening night sky, were mesmerizingly captivating and dangerous. 。...give one a shiver down their spine... 。When I looked up, when my fingertips touched the source, my eyes widened slightly, and my mouth opened in surprise. I couldn't even speak. 。,The young man was so aware, he looked straight at the source of that fiery aura. 。。He also put me in his arms, his big tail drooping down on my body. 。Ning Shu discovered that Xiao Hui was indeed avoiding her. 。Moreover, it radiated a palpable aura of suppressed power. It seemed on the verge of erupting, every twitch and rustle setting it off like a powder keg. 。I've also thought about it, trying to probe and touch Xiao Hui tentatively. 。,Little Grey, however, wasn't interested in talking to me. Even when sleeping, she didn't come into my room. 。Ning Shu just didn't feel shocked, Xiaohui growing up quickly wasn't something she didn't know about. 。But it's not that I didn't expect it, the gray wolf's growth rate would be so fast. 。When a wolf first comes into heat, it means that it is now an adult. 。。

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