Scarlet Robe Murder
Scarlet Robe Murder

Scarlet Robe Murder

classification: Science fiction
update: 13分鐘前

The maid in red secretly pinched her companion and immediately changed her expression to one of cheerfulness. “Emerald sister, good morning,”,Jade wept while pouring her heart out, but Wang Yanqing sat there as if indifferent, an outsider to it all. 。Even jade feels wronged like this, doesn't Wang Yanqing, the real person, really care How is that possible 。For ten years, since she was seven years old, being brought to the Zhenyuan Hou Mansion, her life had only been Fu Tingzhou. 。It is the eleventh year of Jiajing's reign now, and it has been eleven years since the twelfth emperor of the Ming Dynasty came to Beijing. 。During the Ming Dynasty, scholars and officials were clearly separated from commoners and nobles. Scholars were chosen through imperial examinations, with each generation replaced by a new one. If the next generation didn't study hard, their status would decline. However, military officers were hereditary, like the Wuding Hou Mansion and Yongping Hou Mansion. These families had held military power for generations, spending more time in the capital than even the current emperor. 。The Fu family rose to prominence in recent years, but their ancestors were also a military family. In the generation of Fu Tingzhou's grandfather, Fu Yue, they made military achievements and were enfeoffed as the Marquis of Zhenyuan by the former emperor Zhengde. 。For this reason, the Fu family always lowered their heads before the old-established noble families in the capital, such as Wuding Hou and Yongping Hou. 。,These maids were gossiping, but it was nothing of consequence. 。。

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