Rise of the Humble O

Rise of the Humble O

author: <Zhu Lang's
classification: Science fiction
update: 2024年08月28日

On the west side of the village stood a high hill, from which one could see most of the village. On top of the hill stood a tigerish boy of about five or six years old, gazing at the village with emotion.,"Say, do you dare to go outside and eat again" Mrs. Chen said loudly, but from the steamer she took out a peeled boiled egg and looked out the window to see that no one was paying attention to them. Then she quietly slipped it into Zhu Ping'an's hand.,Chen looked at her youngest son, acting like a little rascal and cuddling up to her. She clearly enjoyed it, feeling that her youngest son was much cuter than her eldest. Earlier, she had called her eldest son over, but the silly boy, just like his father, said something about not being a man if he stole food. She almost got angry enough to explode, so she sent him away. Thankfully, her youngest son wasn't so rigid. She smiled and tapped his forehead playfully, "Don't get mad at me, I'm already grateful! Just wipe your mouth so you don't get seen later."。

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