Personal Space: Unex

Personal Space: Unex

classification: fantastic
update: 2024年09月19日

Even in Hamshan Pass, the northernmost point of Great Yue, the summer heat was unbearable in June. 。Heaven, too, was like a child's face, changing at will. 。It was still sunny and bright in the morning, but by afternoon the clouds started to gather, indicating that rain was coming. 。In Linjia Village, each daughter-in-law, seeing the unfavorable weather, dropped their kitchen knives or brooms and hurried to gather firewood, herd ducks, and yet dared not yell too loudly at the young boys playing outside, fearing they might scare away this long-awaited rain. 。The mischievous boys probably knew this too, pretending not to hear their mothers' calls. They gathered under the big tree at the village entrance, wishing for a downpour so they could take a refreshing bath in the rain. 。To the west of Linjia Village there is a large courtyard, where a big family lives. 。Mr. Lin is the backbone of this family. Now in his fifties, his hair and beard are already gray, but his face is ruddy and he has a spirited presence. 。,The little boys all nodded their heads, and as they opened their books again, they shouted even louder. 。The old man easily scooped the grandson into his arms and smoothed down his pigtails, praising him, "My dear boy, you're so much smarter than your older brothers!" 。"Grandpa, my brothers are very smart, they let me " 。Later on, when my brothers study hard and become top scorers, they have to buy me snacks. 。Turning his head, he grinned at his grandfather, a bright smile lighting up his chubby little face. He was quick to defend his brothers, making the old man laugh even harder."Good, good, your brothers can all become top scholars " 。In the courtyard, the two daughters-in-law Feng and Liu, busy with their work, occasionally turned their heads and couldn't help but smile when they saw ... 。,Dong entered the door and ran over to hug Da, "Ah, you're finally back! I missed you so much."。

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