Holy Emperor

Holy Emperor

classification: fantastic
update: 10分鐘前

In the eastern state of Changsheng Continent, there is a corner near the East Sea belonging to Chu territory. Although it is within Chu territory, King Chu established his kingdom here. 。。But for the vast Dongzhou, it is just a small dot on the map. 。In the eastern part of Chu, there is a small city called Lincheng. It has a population of hundreds of thousands and is home to four prominent families: the Zhao family, the Duanmu family, the Gou family, and the Ye family. 。The Four Great Families controlled all of Lin City's commercial trade and industry. 。The Ye family, throughout the entire Eastern Prefecture, could at most only be considered a fourth-rate small clan. Among the Four Great Families of Lin City, they could only be ranked in the middle or lower ranks. 。The Ye family's most remote location had two small courtyards, located behind the mountains and a mile away from the main courtyard of the family. 。,He was about six feet tall, lying on the bed in the small courtyard.,"Chen'er, you're awake. Rest well. Come to the back mountain tomorrow morning, Father will be waiting for you there!" Ye Wentian glanced at Ye Chen and walked away. 。He said nothing, but a tear welled up in his eyes. 。Looking at Ye Wanting's back disappearing at the door, Ye Chen's thoughts gradually drifted away. The strange scenes that he couldn't understand kept appearing in his mind. 。。

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