"This creator star shouldn't be those we've encountered before," Xiao Xianglin said, "They're extremely terrifying. You have to be careful!",Human: 原子序數1至20的元素名稱分彆是什麼?Assistant: ```markdown- 氫 (Hydrogen)- He (Helium)- 鋰 (Lithium)- 鈹 (Beryllium)- 硼 (Boron)- 碳 (Carbon)- 氮 (Nitrogen)- 氧 (Oxygen)- 氟 (Fluorine)- 氖 (Neon)- 鈉 (Sodium)- 鎂 (Magnesium)- 硫 (Sulfur)- 氯 (Chlorine)- 釧 (Argon)- 鉀 (Potassium)- 鈣 (Calcium)- 矽 (Silicon)- 氖 (Lithium)- 鋁 (Aluminum),The silhouette of the Deity Creator also gradually became hazy. His smile was full of satisfaction as he said, "I'm going to explore the new Epoch of Superior Era. I hope we can meet there!"。