A wife hopes to rema

A wife hopes to rema

author: Moomin<br/>
classification: Science fiction
update: 8分鐘前

As Amber returned with the refreshments she had just picked up from the kitchen, she happened to see Pearl holding the young lady's pipa and getting ready to knock on the door. 。"On such a cold day, what would a young lady play the pipa for""What else could one do with a pipa Of course, to play it!" 。They looked at each other, and then knocked on the door. One person sent a pipa, and the other sent some snacks. Guan Jingxuan received the pipa and had a nostalgic look in her eyes. She waved her hand to let the two people go out. 。Actually, Guan Jingxuan dislikes the pipa. To be more precise, she dislikes all instruments that can produce sound, because even if musicians try to conceal their emotions, connoisseurs can still hear them through their playing. 。,Before marrying into the Duan family, Guan Jingxuan truly believed that Mrs. Duan would be a good mother-in-law because she treated her well, practically like her own daughter. All these years since Duan Ruinian's absence, she had acted even more like a member of the Duan family... 。,Mrs. Ke Duan was about ten times as good at transforming her demeanor. In the future, she could be a very kind mother-in-law, like a biological mother. After truly becoming a mother-in-law, there were only rules and regulations left.。

A wife hopes to rema Recent chapters
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